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Evaluation from society

Evaluation from society


ISO 9001 Quality Management System

In order to provide products and services of high added value that will continue to be trusted by our customers, I-NET Corp. has constructed a quality management system that conforms to international quality management standards, and at present, has acquired ISO 9001 certification for the following.

1st Data Center /2nd Data Center


ISO9001:2008 Quality Management System(1st Data Center)


ISO9001:2008 Quality Management System Certificate(2nd Data Center)

ISO 14001 Environmental Management System

In these recent times, in which regional and global environmental issues have become major challenges, I-NET Corp. believes the minimization of the impact of our business activities on environmental conservation to be one of our social responsibilities, and has acquired ISO 14001 certification, which conform to international environment management standards, for the following.

1st Data Center /2nd Data Center


ISO14001 Environmental Management System(1st Data Center)


ISO14001 Environmental Management System(2nd Data Center)
Environmental Management

Business continuity management system ISO 22301

I-NET is certified under ISO 22301, the international standard for business continuity management, with the following scope in order to provide customers with products and services on an ongoing basis when a disaster occurs.
*The data centers’ mailing service businesses are covered by this certification.

1st Data Center


ISO22301 事業継続マネジメントシステム登録証


ISO22301 事業継続マネジメントシステム付属書
Business continuity management

Business continuity policy

  1. We have established a business continuity plan that aims to restore services as quickly as possible and makes the safety of employees and their family and our cooperating companies the top priority in the event of an emergency. This plan is revised as necessary.
  2. We will minimize the business impact for customers and protect assets that are indispensable for business continuity.

Purpose of business continuity

  1. Promote risk management
    We will identify foreseeable risks, establish a business continuity plan designed to respond to these risks, and provide services.
  2. Ongoing improvements to business continuity management
    We will regularly revise our business continuity plan and its objectives, and pursue systematic activities to improve the plan.
  3. Compliance with regulations
    We will protect laws and regulations related to business continuity, and aim to actively provide support for the recovery and restoration of the local community.
  4. Education and training
    We will regularly carry out education and training on our business continuity plan so that we are prepared for emergencies.

I-NET Corp.
The 1st Data Center
Keizo Hirae, Supervisor in charge of Data Center Management

ISO/IEC 27001 Information Security Management System

In order to secure the safety and reliability of information assets entrusted to us from the ever increasing threats (viruses, illegal access, leaks, etc.) that emerge together with the rapid progress of the information driven society, I-NET Corp. has acquired ISO/IEC 27001 certification, which conforms to international information security management standards, for the following.

1st Data Center /2nd Data Center


ISO/IEC 27001 Information Security Management System(1st Data Center)


ISO/IEC 27001 Information Security Management System(2nd Data Center)
Information Security Management

Information Security Policy

  1. I-NET will protect information assets held by its data centers from incidents, such as falsification and leaks.
  2. I-NET will utilize its own and its customers' information assets, while appropriately protecting them to develop its businesses.

Information Security Goals

  1. Appropriate management of information assets
    I-NET will take inventory of its information assets and conduct risk assessments (analysis and evaluation) to securely maintain and manage their confidentiality, integrity, and availability.
  2. Ongoing improvements to information security management
    In order to minimize risks, I-NET will establish goals and conduct regular reviews, promoting systematic improvement activities.
  3. Management of information security incidents
    In addition to preventing information security incidents, in case of an incident, I-NET will promptly take responsive actions and appropriate procedures.
  4. Compliance with laws and regulations
    I-NET will comply with the laws and regulations on information security and contractual requirements.
  5. Education and training
    I-NET will conduct necessary education and training for all personnel working at its data centers aiming to improve awareness on security.

I-NET Corp.
The 1st Data Center
The 2nd Data Center
Keizo Hirae, Supervisor in charge of Data Center Management

IoT Solutions Division / Space・Satellite Solutions Division


ISO/IEC 27001 情報セキュリティマネジメントシステム登録証(The 1st Data Center)


ISO/IEC 27001 情報セキュリティマネジメントシステム登録証(The 2nd Data Center)
Basic Policy on Information Security
  1. Purpose of Information Security
    IoT Solutions Division, Space・Satellite Solutions Division, of I-NET Corp. (hereinafter, the "Target Departments") engage in information processing service business. Due to the nature of the business, information held by the Target Departments contains a lot of important information assets entrusted to us by our clients.
    Protecting these information assets from incidents such as falsification and leaks is positioned as our important responsibility, crucial for obtaining the trust of our customers and developing our business together with our customers. I-NET regards the protection of information assets as one of its management strategies. We establish this Basic Policy for the purpose of appropriately protecting the information assets of our customers and I-NET, and we will implement, maintain, monitor, and improve on this Policy.
  2. Scope of Application
    The scope of application for this Basic Policy is information assets held by the Target Departments for business purposes, as well as our officers and employees (including I-NET employees, limited-term employees, and employees of partner companies).
  3. Guidelines on Information Security
    • (1) The Target Departments will strive to manage information security appropriately, in order to securely maintain the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information assets.
    • (2) Recognizing the importance of information security, the Target Departments will establish appropriate risk assessment and take measures for mitigating risks, upon sufficiently analyzing and evaluating risks related to information assets. In addition, the Target Departments will strive to make ongoing improvements by regularly evaluating and reviewing them.
    • (3) In case of an incident regarding information security, the Target Departments will quickly reveal its cause, minimize the damages, and strive to prevent recurrence.
  4. Observance of the Laws, etc.
    The Target Departments will comply with the laws and regulations on information security and contractual requirements.
  5. Education and Promotion of Awareness for Those Within the Scope of Application
    The Target Departments will conduct education and training for officers and employees within the organization, and strive to increase their awareness on information security and thoroughly disseminate various related regulations.

Shinichi Koyama
Director and Executive Officer
Head of Department
Digital Transformation Department
I-NET Corp.

ISO/IEC 27017 cloud service information security management system

In order to secure the safety of customer information in cloud services of I-NET, we have acquired the ISO/IEC 27017 certification in accordance with the international standard of information security management system specialized for cloud services with the following scope.

*Certification target: Operation and maintenance of Next Generation EASY Cloud®(Provision of cloud infratructre service based on Software-Defined Data Center architecture)

1st Data Center /2nd Data Center


ISO/IEC 27001 Information Security Management System(1st Data Center)


ISO/IEC 27001 Information Security Management System(2nd Data Center)

PCI DSS Grobal Security Standard in Credicard business

Our Company had the security certificate called 'PCI DSS(Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards)' which gurantees the credit card's member data.

※Certification target:Facility service of the subject business organization which treats card member data.
(PCI DSS is managed by PCI SSC(Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council) which 5 international card brand companies (American Express、Discover、JCB、MasterCard、VISA) established.)

The 2nd Data Center


PCI DSS v3.1(The 2nd Data Center)

PrivacyMark / JISQ15001


I-NET has received an authorization to display the PrivacyMark.
We establish personal information protection policies and implement and maintain them, believing that the appropriate protection of personal information is a social responsibility.

Click here for details

Evaluation from Third Parties

The Health and Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations (White 500)

The Health and Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations (White 500)

Under the Health and Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations recognition program, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry praises the outstanding enterprises engaging in efforts to develop better health and productivity management every year, based on initiatives for local health-related challenges and initiatives for health promotions led by the Nippon Kenko Kaigi.
I-NET Corp. was recognized under the joint program by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Nippon Kenko Kaigi as “the Health and Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations (White 500)” for sixth straight years.

Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Website

Yokohama Wellness Management Certification

Yokohama Wellness Management Certification

Under the Yokohama Wellness Management Certification System, City of Yokohama recognizes workplaces engaging in efforts to develop better health and productivity management as certified workplaces of Yokohama Wellness Management Certification in order to widely spread the concept of "health and productivity management" that treats initiatives for employees’ health maintenances/promotions as investments enhancing the future corporate revenues, strategically engaging in health promotions for employees from the management perspective.
I-Net Corp. achieved Yokohama wellness management certification by City of Yokohama as a certified workplace on March 6, 2024.

Yokohama City Website

Hataraku Yell


Hataraku Yell is a program that recognizes companies, organizations, and municipalities dedicated to enriching and utilizing benefits. This program is designed to promote and develop welfare benefits by recognizing and certifying corporations that provide excellent benefits to their employees and those that strive to enhance their benefit plans in the future.
I-NET was awarded as an “Excellent Employee Benefit Corporation (general),” the highest award in Hataraku Yell 2024.

Hataraku Yell Website

Eruboshi Certification

Eruboshi Certification

Under the Eruboshi certification system, entrepreneurs that prepared and registered general entrepreneur action plan based on the Act on Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace can receive the certification as outstanding entrepreneurs in terms of implement conditions of initiatives on the promotion of the participation and advancement of females by applying to prefectural labor offices.
There are three stages according to the number of satisfied items.
I-NET Corp. was authorized by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare that the company matched the criteria pursuant to Article 9 of the Act on promotion of the participation and advancement of females in labor force (Act on Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace) on Oct. 3, 2018, and acquired the best certification logo "Eruboshi" (Stage 3).

Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare Website

Platinum Kurumin certification

Kurumin Certification

Kurumin certification and Platinum Kurumin certification are programs based on the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children, which was established in 2003. It certifies that the companies receiving this certification have been approved by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare as a company that supports employees raising children.
Platinum Kurumin is awarded to Kurumin-certified companies that have taken their initiatives to an even higher level. This program was set up when the law was revised in April 2015.
I-NET was recognized for its ongoing support of employees balancing work with child-raising, and was granted Platinum Kurumin certification on March 29, 2023, as a specially recognized company based on the revised Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children.

Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare Website

Kanagawa Child Care Supporters

Kanagawa Child Care Supporters

The certification system pursuant to Kanagawa Prefecture, Children/Childcare Support Promotion Ordinances" is the system that Kanagawa prefectural government authenticates a company institutionalizing children/childcare support for employees as a "Kanagawa childcare supporter".
I-NET Corp. acquired the certification by Kanagawa prefectural government pursuant to "Kanagawa Prefecture, Children/Childcare Support Promotion Ordinances" as a promotion company on July 3, 2008.

Kanagawa Prefecture Website



The PRIDE Index is an index on LGBTQ+ and other sexual minority initiatives in the workplace sponsored by the voluntary organization "work with Pride“.
Corporate initiatives are evaluated in the following categories: Policy, Representation, Inspiration, Development and Engagement/Empowerment.
I-NET received the highest rating of "Gold" in this indicator for 3 years in a row.

work with Pride Website

Y-SDGs Certification

Y-SDGs Certification

The Y-SDGs certification system was established by the City of Yokohama to certify corporations and various organizations working to achieve SDGs. Three grades of certification (Supreme, Superior and Standard) are issued based on evaluation of 30 items in the four fields of "Environment," "Social," "Governance" and "Local," and in accordance with the status of the initiatives.
I-NET received a "Superior" grade certification.

Yokohama City Website
YOKOHAMA SDGs Design Center Website

Kanagawa SDGs Partner


The Kanagawa SDGs Partner Program is an initiative in which Kanagawa Prefecture recruits, registers, and publicizes information about companies and groups that run projects that help to achieve the SDGs, and the prefecture, companies, and groups work together to pursue activities that spread knowledge about and promote the SDGs.
The registered companies and groups collaborate with the prefecture to pursue the SDGs and engage in PR through various opportunities and mediums such as seminars.

Kanagawa Prefecture Website

Daiwa Internet IR Awards

Daiwa Internet IR Awards

The Daiwa Internet IR Awards are based on Daiwa Investor Relations Co., Ltd.’s concept of 5T&C,* which designates the Internet as an integral part of IR. Daiwa IR evaluates and rates the IR sites of listed companies in terms of their own criteria, and selects and awards companies that have built particularly impressive IR sites and are effectively utilizing them for information disclosure and communication activities.

*5T&C=Timely, Transparent, Traceable, Trustworthy, Total +Communication

Daiwa Investor Relations Co.Ltd. Website

Quality Ranking Survey on Listed Companies’ Websites

Quality Ranking Survey on Listed Companies’ Websites

The Quality Ranking Survey on Listed Companies’ Websites is a survey and evaluation of all listed companies' websites conducted by Nikko Investor Relations Co., Ltd. This survey aims to assess the quality of information disclosure and promote awareness of information disclosure among listed companies. The survey is based on objective evaluation criteria set from three perspectives: “ease of understanding,” “ease of use,” and “amount of information.”

Nikko Investor Relations Co., Ltd. Website

Gomez IR Site Ranking

Gomez IR Site Ranking

The Gomez IR Site Ranking is a ranking of the most comprehensive IR sites in Japan carried out by Broadband Security Inc. with the aim of evaluating the usability and comprehensiveness of the information provided on the IR sites of listed companies in Japan. The ranking is based on an evaluation of four categories: “website usability,” “comprehensiveness of financial and settlement information,” “comprehensiveness of corporate and management information,” and “proactiveness and innovativeness of information disclosure.”

Gomez Website