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Stock Information

Analyst Coverage

Analyst Coverage

Below is a list of analysts at securities companies and research institutions, who have issued reports that contribute to investment judgement, based on the analysis of the Company's business results, etc.

Company name Analyst name
Toyo Securities Akihiko Kawazoe


This list has been prepared according to the Company's objective standards, based on information available to the Company as of the date of publishing. Accordingly, please note that analysts not listed on this list may exist, that the Company does not support or endorse the analysts listed, or that not all of the information may be up to date.

This list has been published for the purpose of providing to shareholders information on analysts, who analyze the Company's business results, etc. and prepare forecasts, and information about their institutions. The list is not meant to solicit or recommend purchase or sale of the Company's shares.

Analysts analyze the Company's business results, business, products, technologies, and other factors based on their own judgement and forecast business results. The Company is not involved at all in any of these processes. In addition, the Company does not support or guarantee the forecasts, opinions, or recommendations of these analysts.

We would like to ask investors to make investment decisions based on their own judgement and responsibilities, when making actual investments.


Stock Information

IR Calendar

  • October 31, 2024, 3:00 p.m.Announcement of the financial results for Q2 FY3/2025
  • Early November 2024Briefing of the financial results for Q2 FY3/2025 (For Institutional Investor and Analyst)
  • Late January 2025Announcement of the financial results for Q3 FY3/2025

See details

Inquiries about IR information


Business hours:
9:00 am - 5:30 pm
on weekdays
