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Stock Information

Status of Shareholders

Overview of Stock

(As of March 31, 2024)

Authorized shares 60,000,000 shares
Number of shares outstanding 16,242,424 shares
Capital ¥3,203,992,000
The number of shareholders 8,775 people

Major shareholders(Top 10)

(As of March 31, 2024)

Number of Shares Held Shareholding Ratio
Thousand shares
Noriyoshi Ikeda 1,620 10.14%
I-NET Employee Stock Ownership 1,381 8.64%
The Master Trust Bank of Japan,Ltd. 1,330 8.32%
Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd. 1,094 6.85%
The Bank of Yokohama,Ltd. 707 4.42%
Yasuhiro Kitagawa 421 2.64%
N and I Co.,Ltd. 316 1.98%
275 1.72%
The Inet Foundation 250 1.56%
Mitsubishi Research Institute DCS Co.,Ltd. 239 1.50%

※1.Number of shares, it has been rounded down to the nearest thousand shares.
 2.The shareholding ratio is calculated after deducting treasury stock 257,684 shares.


Sep 30, 2022 Mar 31, 2023 Sep 30, 2023 Mar 31, 2024
Thousand shares
Government / Local government 36031124036
Individual and Others 9,6869,5359,5839,331
Domestic corporations 1,8721,7961,8001,889
Financial institution 3,7453,9703,7853,906
Securities company 153150180327
Foreign corporations, etc. 425390652751
Total 16,24216,15416,24216,242
Sep 30, 2022 Mar 31, 2023 Sep 30, 2023 Mar 31, 2024
Government / Local government 1111
Individual and Others 8,3358,5559,9528,563
Domestic corporations 67687666
Financial institution 17181918
Securities company 26252733
Foreign corporations, etc. 83747994
Total 8,5298,74110,1548,775

※1. ' Individual and Others ' include company-owned stocks.
2. 'Domestic corporations' include securities depository center stock
3. Stock figures are rounded to 1,000.

(As of March 31, 2024)

Status of stock distribution by shareholder

Status of shareholder distribution by number of shares

Trends in the number of shares

Date Action Increase of the number of stock
May. 20, 1996

Stock split at a ratio of 1:1.1(free share distribution)

Mar. 31, 1997

Increase through convertible debentures(4/1/96-3/31/97)

Sep. 18, 1997

Procurement of 612 million through paid-in capital allotment by public offering

Mar. 31, 1998

Increase through conversion of convertible debentures(4/1/97-3/31/98)

Mar. 31, 2000

Increase through conversion of convertible debentures(4/1/99-3/31/00)

May. 19, 2000

Stock split at a ratio of 1:1.1(free share deistribution)

Apr. 01, 2001

Merger with Soft,Ltd.
Merger ratio:I-NET Corp.:Soft Science1:0.8
Increase in capital as the result of the merger:¥314million
Total capital reflecting the increase:¥3,203 million

Sep. 12, 2013

Decrease in by the erasure treasury stock

Oct. 01, 2016

Stock split at a ratio of 1:1.1(free share deistribution)


Stock Information

IR Calendar

  • July 31, 2024Announcement of the financial results of 1Q
  • Late October 2024Announcement of the financial results of 2Q
  • Early November 2024Briefing of the financial results for Q2 FY3/2025 (For Institutional Investor and Analyst)

See details

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