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Financial Data

Segment Information

Segment Information

I-NET provides integrated services that encompass every step from planning and developing information systems to operations, repair and maintenance after operations have begun. These services are managed as a single business. Accordingly, the segment information stated is the status by service.

Million yen

2020/3 2021/3 2022/3 2023/3 2024/3
Information processing services 10,819 11,861 12,464 13,749 14,805
System development services 18,924 16,936 17,511 19,806 21,340
System product sales 1,353 1,217 1,193 1,432 1,617

Information processing services System development services System product sales

Gross profit by segment

Million yen

2020/3 2021/3 2022/3 2023/3 2024/3
Information processing services 2,783 2,803 2,949 2,381 3,169
System product sales 4,136 3,821 4,001 4,548 4,700
System product sales 176 179 200 243 378

Information processing services System development services System product sales 

Financial Data

IR Calendar

  • July 31, 2024Announcement of the financial results of 1Q
  • Late October 2024Announcement of the financial results of 2Q
  • Early November 2024Briefing of the financial results for Q2 FY3/2025 (For Institutional Investor and Analyst)

See details

Inquiries about IR information


Business hours:
9:00 am - 5:30 pm
on weekdays
