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I-NET's Initiatives to Promote Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG)

In order to continue to be a company that keeps growing, I-NET Group has established its philosophy "inet Way" as values shared among all of the directors and employees as a standard for all corporate activities. Based on the "inet Way", the I-NET Group will contribute to developing a sustainable society through its business by creating economic, societal, and environmental values.


IR Calendar

  • July 31, 2024Announcement of the financial results of 1Q
  • Late October 2024Announcement of the financial results of 2Q
  • Early November 2024Briefing of the financial results for Q2 FY3/2025 (For Institutional Investor and Analyst)

See details

Inquiries about IR information


Business hours:
9:00 am - 5:30 pm
on weekdays
