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IR Event

Future Schedule

July 31, 2024

Announcement of the financial results of 1Q

Late October 2024

Announcement of the financial results of 2Q

Early November 2024

Briefing of the financial results for Q2 FY3/2025 (For Institutional Investor and Analyst)
  • Briefing of the financial results

    Details of explanations at financial results briefing sessions for institutional investors and analysts, as well as materials distributed are posted.

  • Briefing for individual investors

    Explanatory materials for briefing sessions for individual investors, as well as Q&A are posted.

  • General meeting of shareholders

    Notices of Convocation, Notices of Resolution, and counting results of exercise of voting rights are posted.

  • IR Calendar

    The yearly schedule of key IR events, such as ordinary general meetings of shareholders and announcements of financial results are posted.

IR Event

IR Calendar

  • July 31, 2024Announcement of the financial results of 1Q
  • Late October 2024Announcement of the financial results of 2Q
  • Early November 2024Briefing of the financial results for Q2 FY3/2025 (For Institutional Investor and Analyst)

See details

Inquiries about IR information


Business hours:
9:00 am - 5:30 pm
on weekdays
